Network Request Failed when configuring OpenLDAP authentication in Rancher

It may be the case that you have installed Rancher in a cluster via helm with something like

helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace=cattle-system \
--set \
--set replicas=1 \
--set bootstrapPassword=PASSWORD_HERE \
--set auditLog.level=1 \
--version 2.8.3

If you try to configure the OpenLDAP authentication (and maybe other directories) you will be greeted with the not at all helpful message Network Request Failed` where in the logs you will see that your OpenLDAP server was never contacted. What gives?

Well, the above helm command installs Rancher with a self-signed certificate. And you have to open the developer tools in the browser to see that a wss:// call failed because of the certificate. The solution of course is to use a certificate that your browser considers valid. First we ask helm to give us the configuration values with helm -n cattle-system get values rancher -o yaml > values.yaml and then we augment values.yaml with:

    source: secret
privateCA: true

It does not have to be a “really” private CA. I did the above with a certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt. The above can be upgraded now with helm -n cattle-system upgrade rancher rancher-latest/rancher -f values.yaml --version 2.8.3 And now we are ready to add our own working certificate with

kubectl -n cattle-system delete secret tls-rancher-ingress
kubectl -n cattle-system create secret tls --key ./key.pem --cert ./cert.pem

Of course, if you are using cert-manager there are other ways to do stuff. See also:

How many env: blocks per container?

While creating a Deployment earlier today, I faced a weird situation where a specific environment variable that was held as a Secret, was not being set. I tried deleting and recreating the secret, with no success. Mind you this was a long YAML with volumes, volumeMounts, ConfigMaps as enviroment variables, lots of lines. In the end the issue was pretty simple and I missed it because kubectl silently accepted the submitted YAML. I had two(!) env: blocks defined for the same container and somehow I missed that. It turns out, that when you do so, only the last one gets accepted, and whatever is defined in the previous, is not taken into account. To show this with an example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: box
  name: box
  replicas: 1
      app: box
        app: box
      - image: busybox
        name: busybox
        - name: FIRST_ENV
          value: "True"
        - name: ANOTHER_FIRST
          value: "True"
        - sleep
        - infinity
        - name: SECOND_ENV
          value: "True"

In the above example, when the Pod starts the container, only SECOND_ENV is set. FIRST_ENV and ANOTHER_FIRST are not.

I do not know whether this is a well known YAML fact or not, but it cost me some head-scratching and I hope it won’t cost you too.

“Works on my computer” was and still is the wrong attitude

I have waited some years before posting this. I started writing this document as a means of coping with my frustration back then. It is now promoted from my private to my public journal.

I get it. It is all too common and frustrating to try something in your machine, be happy with it and when you push your changes and the CI/CD takes over, the build fails.

@here X is working fine on my machine, but failing on Jenkins

typical Slack message everywhere

You have now pinged hundreds of people, across multiple timezones. Only a tiny fraction of them are in a position to support you. By any chance, have you scrolled up a bit before posting? Assuming it was infrastructure’s fault, are you really the first one facing it?

For the sake of the argument you don’t find anything relevant in the last five Slack messages and you go ahead and ping everybody. You have now provided zero useful information. And the person you implicitly demand to fix this, is not your part-time psychologist to take it with a smile. If anything, they equally (if not more than you, since they are dealing with hundreds of running builds) want you to have and wish you green builds for your birthday.

Your laptop is not part of production. When your code runs OK in it, you do not ship it with a courier to a data center. So, in a way, whether it runs in your computer or not does not matter, as you are not developing for it to run on your laptop. Your laptop is not production. You’re developing for something else, and supposedly this is what your CI/CD is trying to show you. Hence when it fails, try to think why. You know your tooling better than anyone else. Your language of choice, its libraries and whatnot failed. You reach out for help to a person who most likely has zero experience in your tooling and certainly knows even less about the application you write with it. Think of it, if they knew all that, they’d be a member of your team already!

“But this is a blocker and we cannot release.” Well, your P1 is a P1 for your world and I sympathise. But the whole constellation of systems and builds in your organization does not revolve around it. If it was a P1 for everyone, it would be known by every means of communication available. Your P1 is my P5, just like sometimes my P1 was your P7.

Would you ever complain if it run on the CI/CD, but not on your computer? No. One more reason why “but it runs on my computer” is irrelevant and conveys no useful information to an already stressful situation.

lloadd and (Google) LDAP

In a previous post I expanded on Google’s suggestion to use stunnel to proxy queries to Google’s LDAP (and any other LDAP server of course, including AD). The problem with this approach is that it does not offer much for debugging if things go wrong. And since we do not control the receiving end of the queries, that makes us fly blind. Wouldn’t it be better if there was a more LDAP aware proxy server of some kind to use instead.

It turns out there is one: lloadd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon by the OpenLDAP project. It listens for LDAP connections on any number of ports (default 389), forwarding the LDAP operations it receives over these connections to be handled by the configured backends. Curiously it seems not to come with the slapd/openldap packages available for Ubuntu 22.04, so I had to compile it from the source:

./configure --prefix=/opt/ldap --enable-balancer --with-tls
make depend
sudo make install

You can now find the daemon sitting on /opt/ldap/libexec/lloadd. Let’s see how we can use it now. It requires a configuration file:

# /opt/ldap/etc/openldap/lloadd.conf
feature proxyauthz
tier roundrobin

The above configuration connects to Google’s LDAP using the key/cert pair and username / password obtained from for your Workspace. Note how we (ab)use the roundrobin tier with just one backend to proxy instead of loadbalancing between multiple servers.

We now need to run the daemon, so we use the following systemd file

# /etc/systemd/system/lloadd.service

ExecStart=/opt/ldap/libexec/lloadd -4 -f /opt/ldap/etc/openldap/lloadd.conf -h ldap:// -d stats


Using the above after sudo systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl start lloadd we have an LDAP proxy listening in and by adjusting the loglevel (either in the configuration file, or in the command line) we can achieve more visibility.

Caddy and WordPress

This is not something you won’t find elsewhere on the web, but it is my take on making Caddy and WordPress play nice. Assuming an Ubuntu 22.04 VM, we follow the site instructions to install Caddy.

Next, we install PHP-FPM (the FastCGI server for PHP) and other required libraries

sudo apt install php8.1-fpm php-pear php-bcmath php-curl \ 
php-imagick php-intl php-json php-mbstring \ 
php-mysql php-xml php-zip

Now we are ready to configure /etc/caddy/Caddyfile to work with PHP-FPM {
	root * /usr/share/caddy/wordpress
	encode zstd gzip
	php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock
	@disallowed {
		path /xmlrpc.php
		path *.sql
		path /wp-content/uploads/*.php
	rewrite @disallowed '/index.php'

The trickiest line for me in the above configuration was the file URL for php_fastcgi. Not exactly in the format I expected. This configuration assumes that we have unpacked WordPress in /usr/share/caddy/wordpress . Keep in mind that php-fpm runs as UID:GID www-data:www-data so you may want to sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/caddy/wordpress

We are still missing a database. If you do not want to mess much with installing MariaDB, you can use something like the following docker-compose.yaml:

# docker-compose up -d 
version: '3.1'
    image: mariadb:10.11.7
    restart: always
    - "3306:3306"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress-database
      MYSQL_USER: wordpress-user
      - mysql:/var/lib/mysql

You now only need to edit wp-config.php to set the database settings and the salt keys and you are all set to play.

PS: I’ve read a number of posts on the web before reaching to the summary above. I did not keep track at the time for proper citation.

A stunnel to (Google) LDAP Pod

Sometimes you have an application that needs to speak with an LDAP server. And more specifically to Google’s LDAP service. Google’s LDAP requires certificates to connect to it (which you get from your Workspace console). You can integrate those certificates with your application if possible, or you can run stunnel as a proxy, as per Google’s instructions.

It is not that complex then to expand from those instructions to running a stunnel Pod as a proxy. And it happens that Chainguard maintain a stunnel image that can be of use to us. Thus we can now run an LDAP service which can proxy our queries to our (Google) LDAP service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: stunnel-conf
  stunnel.conf: |
    foreground = yes
    #debug = debug
    output = /dev/stdout
    client = yes
    accept =
    connect =
    cert = /google-ldap/tls.crt
    key = /google-ldap/tls.key
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: ldap
    app: ldap
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 389
      targetPort: 1389
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: ldap
  name: ldap
  replicas: 1
      app: ldap
    type: Recreate
        app: ldap
      - name: google-ldap
          secretName: google-ldap
      - name: stunnel-conf
          name: stunnel-conf
      - image: chainguard/stunnel
        - /usr/bin/stunnel
        - /etc/conf/stunnel.conf
        name: stunnel
        - containerPort: 1389
        - name: google-ldap
          mountPath: /google-ldap
        - name: stunnel-conf
          mountPath: /etc/conf/stunnel.conf
          subPath: stunnel.conf

What is not defined in the above YAML is the kubernetes TLS secret that contains the certificate key-pair from Google:

$ kubectl create secret tls google-ldap \
--key ./Google_123456.key \
--cert ./Google_123456.crt

The LDAP service is now accessible from within your Kubernetes cluster as ldap://ldap.default.svc.cluster.local:389 (that is ldap:// and NOT ldaps://). If this is an issue for you, you can make it a sidecar container and thus access the stunnel proxy as ldap:// instead.

My GitLab is not my resume

[ Originally posted on LinkedIn ]

My #GitHub is not my resume. It is mostly a repository of forks of things I found interesting enough to keep a local copy.

My #GitLab is not my resume. It is just a place where I used (but not anymore) store some stuff related to classes that I teach. So that I could also have a feel of how GitLab works.

You are not looking for a resume. You are looking for some weird form of reassurance because you see some repos, you know nothing about, there. And you will never audit beyond the latest commit so you don’t even have a clue whether and how I wrote that stuff.

I keep my stuff in and mostly private.

How sometimes Docker saves the day

For reasons, I needed to work with a GNUPG version 2.2.0 precicely. This is not what comes with the standard packages of the OS distribution that I work with, so why not compile and install it in a separate tree and be done with it?

Unfortunately, GCC >= 10 cannot compile version 2.2.0 with all sorts of errors popping at different places of preprocessor definitions. I followed through some bug reports after googling around, and was this close to launching a VM with an old OS carrying the gpg. But I remembered that GCC is also on dockerhub. And I thought, In the old days I have used newer versions of GCC to compile older ones for similar reasons. Maybe now I can use a container?

Sure enough using

docker run --rm -it -w $(pwd):/app -w /app gcc:9 bash

and then (and after unzipping the source code) from within the container

make distclean
./configure --prefix=/app/gnupg --disable-libdns
make install

and voila! I had the thing installed locally.

Not much of an innovative story here, but I had not written in the blog for days and thought I could share a story.

OpenVPN, LDAP and group membership

While the need for LDAP integration and OpenVPN seems straightforward, it seems to me that the documentation for the auth-ldap plugin is not very easy to locate and find. Take for example the following auth-ldap.conf configuration file

URL ldap://
Timeout 15
BaseDN "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
SearchFilter "(uid=%u)" # (or choose your own LDAP filter for users)
RequireGroup false

This is a very handy starter that would allow any user with a working password under the ou=users part of your tree to be granted access. But what if you would want to restrict access based on group membership? According to fragments of documentation scattered at different bits of forums and StackOverflow / ServerFault, you’d need to set RequireGroup true and then use the BaseDN of the group and the memberUid attribute within a <Group> ... </Group> subsection of Authorization. This never worked for me. What worked was changing the Search filter to include group membership:

URL ldaps//
Timeout 15
BaseDN "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
SearchFilter "(&(uid=%u)(memberOf=cn=openvpn,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com))"
RequireGroup false


I did not come up with this. I found it via random Googling somewhere in SO (I cannot remember and cite that answer anymore).


After some years (this blog was known as in the past afterall) I had to do some digging into an email’s headers. I couldn’t find what I was looking for, but there was a header inserted by the Google Workspace system named X-Google-Smtp-Source. It had a base64 encoded value. Decoding it did not produce any immediately meaningful result, so I dug a bit more. Searching for this header brings pages that repeat the following information from Google:

X-Google-Smtp-Source: This header shows the IP address of the computer that sent the email.

This does not provide much information. I tried to look for more, and even asked ChatGPT and Bard but they too came up with nothing helpful. Until I reached the following mail thread:

These headers are typically base64 encoded encrypted serialized protocol
buffers. Without the key, you won’t get anything out of them, and the
keys rotate on a schedule. For what’s actually in them, it’s probably
overkill, but better safe than sorry.

They also don’t contain the IP address.
As Grant pointed out, we consider the IP address of the user to be PII and
do not share it in most cases.

Notice also the contradiction: the header seems not to carry the originating IP address. It seems that at a point in time this was indeed carrying the source IP, but something (maybe legislation?) changed and the contents of the header changed too, without the documentation being helpfully updated.